Trailer Review – First Full Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Trailer Debuts!

This years Comic Con promised a ton of a surprises and it didn’t disappoint. Geeks rejoice and prepare to have the biggest nergasm of your life as we finally get more of action, politics and grittiness in this debut trailer, so hit the jump!

Trailer Review: The Age of Adaline

Since hitting our screens in 2007 on the hit CW series “Gossip Girl”, Blake Lively has rose to fame and become a style and cooking icon, while making some apperances in not-so-successful Hollywood movies. However, Queen B is plotting her return to acting with The Age of Adaline, how does the debut trailer rate? Find […]

Salem (2014) TV Trailer Review

I’m going to kick off my TV section by bringing the the first official trailer for WGN America’s upcoming supernatural drama, “Salem”. This may be a channel you won’t have heard of in the states, since I hear it mostly relies on syndicated reruns from other shows. But it makes it’s first venture into original […]